

Charge NW and EV Support teamed up to put two Chargepoint America Level II public charging stations in Bellevue City Hall on November 10th, 2010.  The two Coulomb CT-2103 dual stations each have Level I and Level II charging at the same time from the same unit.

A dedication was held November 19th and was attended by Bellevue Mayor Dr. Don Davidson, Coulomb’s ChargePoint America Director Michael Jones, PSE Vice President of Corporate Affairs, Andy Wappler, Kemper Development Company Glenn Bachman and some City Council members and staff as well as congressman Jay Inslee.

Coulomb’s ChargePoint America program will provide 4,600 FREE charging stations in nine regions in the United States: Austin, Texas, Detroit, Los Angeles, New York, Orlando, Fla., Sacramento, Calif., the San Jose/San Francisco Bay Area, Bellevue/Redmond, Wash., and Washington DC and is a strategic partnership between Coulomb and three leading automobile brands: Ford, Chevrolet and Smart USA. Coulomb currently has the largest established base of networked charging stations worldwide with more than 850 units shipped to more than 200 customers. Installation of the ChargePoint charging stations is underway now in all nine regions.