If you are headed for points northeast of the Snoqualmie River valley and you want to stop for lunch in Duvall, you can pick up some extra miles for free at the Duvall Fire Station at 1st and Cherry in the center of town. There are places to eat just a block or two away, including an excellent Vietnamese restaurant just opposite the entrance to town on Main Street. The city of Duvall did it right, with good way-finding signage and a great location for the Chargepoint America EVSE that has both a Level 1 outlet and a Level 2 J-1772 plug. This project only came about because of the vision of now-retired Chief John Lambert, who put his own cash and labor into the project to help make it happen. EV Support did the installation after spending some time tracing conduit from the parking lot back into the 2 year-old station that also sports a solar water heating system. With a little persistence and some help from Chief Lambert and facilities manager Mike Besmer, a heavy-duty 100 foot snake made its way past a tight bend in the 2″ conduit and into an accessible junction box to complete the wire run. Next time you are in Duvall, check it out!